Saturday, September 20, 2008

Head Lice treatment LiceMD

Last Monday my daughter came home from school with a full on attack of head lice.  Very exciting.  Well anyway after searching on the internet looking for the right "cure", I came across a post about LiceMD which is available at WalMart.  All natural (so they say) and non-toxic to humans.  Too good to be true?  Well, all I can say is that after 10 minutes I combed out tons of bugs, and they were all dead as a doornail.  The stuff didn't seem scary at all.  Seems like it is kinda like a premixed blend of all the other stuff they say takes care of the bugs, eggs, etc.  It's kinda like bug killing mayo with some solvent for the egg glue and some tea leaf and other oils to keep them away.  Really cool, and it left my daughters hair really nice.   

Everyone said how badly the Rid stuff stinks, and I believe them.  I tried some of it too, and it has horrible chemicals and is dangerous in about every way possible.  Made my daughter start to have an allergic reaction.  Didn't do anything to help their hair be smooth and uninviting to the bugs.   Seemed like it was designed to burn them out, taking your hair with it.

I'll let you know how it goes in a few days.  We of course worked tirelessly to pick every last non hair out of her hair too with one of the metal combs.  Hopefully we won the first time, and we won't have any more trouble.


Unknown said...

My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became itchy...i think it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head? Is there any head lice treatment. My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became thinks it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head lice treatment ?