Monday, October 13, 2008

Tribune article about my haunter's group I'm surprised he likes the hand enough to comment on it. I love that the one time in my life I get quoted in the paper, I'm saying something as witty and improper as "There's lots of fun things I can do". =D Such eloquence... How did that get by the editors...

So much for my 15 minutes of fame.... ;-)

Steve my brother-in-law commented:

Awww... c'mon, Dave - don't be too hard on yourself.  You said several intelligent things... like "hey thieves... I leave a very expensive laptop and video projector outside every year!"  =)  just kidding.  Good for you my friend.  -Steve


Jan said...

Neato, Dave! Your club's website needs to have links to your home websites so that people can see what you do if you've posted it.

Dave Bates said...

very true Jan. I'll talk to them about that. I thought you could go to a map that gave you our sites. I'll check it out.