I used a program called "DiskAid" (http://www.digidna.net/diskaid/) to copy the "Photos" directory from my iPod Touch. This gets you the lovely ithmb files which are basically big image archives. Then I used a quick and dirty but capable program called "Keith's iPod Photo Reader" (http://keithwiley.com/software/keithsIPodPhotoReader.shtml) to extract the images from there.
The second program is only for use by the hacker as it doesn't have any idea how to decode the images unless you tell it. For the iPhone/iTouch though I'll give you the settings you need. First open the .ithmb files starting with "F3008" one at a time. Use the setting of 640x480, 16 bit RGB, Flip Endian and 0 byte offset and then extract the files.
Now you've got a big pile of old .pct files which you can convert back to jpg if you want.
Have fun!